We will compile in our Truth Library the most accurate and reliable information we can find on various topics about which our society has been misinformed or frankly deceived.
No propagandized lies. No gas lighting. No dumbing down the Public. No miseducation. No censorship. No fake news.
Our Full TV Platform Coming Soon!
Truth Library
Extra-Terrestrials and Exopolitics >>>
Sacha Stone
Pursuit of full-spectrum human and planetary emancipation and to raise awareness and consciousness within as many souls as humanly possible. https://sachastone.com/
Billy Carson
A conscious streaming platform for self improvement, personal development, alternative perspectives, ancient civilizations, alternative propulsion systems, and zero point energy devices. https://www.youtube.com/@ForbiddenKnowledge1
Elena Danaan
I come from a galaxy far, far away… Field Archaeologist, Druidess, Alchemist, Shaman, Galactic Emissary, Messenger for the Star Nations and International Speaker, My mission is to help humans of Earth awaken to their true potential and power. https://www.youtube.com/@ElenaDanaan.
Dr. Steven Greer
Development of a peaceful relationship with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ETI) which has been visiting planet Earth for decades if not centuries.
Extra-Terrestrials and Exopolitics >>>
Paul Wallis
Thought-Provoking Subjects such as world mysteries, ancient aliens, UFOs, UAPs, spirituality, metaphysics, the paranormal, paleocontact, religion, ancient civilizations, human potential, human origins, history and more. https://www.5thkind.tv
David Icke
David Icke has been warning for nearly 30 years of a coming global Orwellian state in which a tiny few would enslave humanity through control of finance, government, media and a military-police Gestapo overseeing 24/4 surveillance of a microchipped population. https://www.ickonic.com
Dr. Michael Salla
‘Exopolitics’,’ the political study of the key actors, institutions and processes associated with extraterrestrial life. His interest in exopolitics evolved out of his investigation of the sources of international conflict and its relationship to an extraterrestrial presence that is not acknowledged to the general public, elected officials or even senior military officials. https://www.youtube.com/@MichaelSalla
Ryushin Malone
The Man who Solved the NAZCA Lines. The Orion lines, flying pyramids, human sacrifice, & our alien overlords. Zelensky Soros cousins! Reptilian food harvesting! Satanic Ukraine! Bio labs destroyed. Is Agenda 21 an adrenochrome harvest. New Mayan ET Evidence, King Pakal.
Economics and Finance >>>
Frequency and Sound Technology >>>
Watch the very best of UFOs & Disclosure, Extraterrestrials, Space Anomalies, Time Travel and much more – Lectures & Interviews from local, national and international conferences and expos..
Dr. David Martin
Creating real transformation from the inside out, he shows and teaches people how to be the difference that makes the difference. David’s secret of success globally is ‘The Wobble Effect’. The problem we see superficially is not the problem. He shows us how to identify the real issues and access our innate wisdom. We change from the inside out, to do everything differently; look at everything differently and bring humanity back into work and humans so we can fully live.
Catherine Austin Fitts
Our mission is to help you live a free and inspired life. This includes building wealth in ways that build real wealth in the wider economy. We believe that personal and family wealth is a critical ingredient of both individual freedom and community health and well-being.
Sabrina Wallace
Biofield practice is primarily where we are at atm. https://odysee.com/@Psinergy:a
Health and Food >>>
David Sereda
David has studied Meditation, Yoga, Vegetarian diet, world religions, ancient history, Physics, Math, Astronomy, Alternative Zero Point Energies for over 40 years. David came up with the theory that the staff of Moses, and other legends was used as an antenna to extend human consciousness.
Weston A. Price Foundation
The Weston A. Price Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charity founded in 1999 to disseminate the research of nutrition pioneer Dr. Weston Price, whose studies of isolated non industrialized peoples established the parameters of human health and determined the optimum characteristics of human diets.
In spite of humanity’s ability to innovate and create amazing things like satellites, rockets, and cellphones, the centralized food system that we have created is insecure, pollution prone, degenerative, and disease causing. FarmMatch makes local, regenerative farm food searchable and easy to access so that our planet and its inhabitants have a chance at a future.
Todd Callander
Vaxxchoice is a hub of resources
for support aimed to promote the right to make individual health choices,
refuse unwanted intrusions on our freedoms, and provide news you need to know.
Health and Food >>>
Mark Grenon
Mark Grenon joins me live from federal prison in Miami to go into detail about how the US government not only violated the First Amendment against him and his sons, but half of the Bill of Rights in the process. Grenon and his sons were indicted and given a jury trial, but not a trial by jury. He explains the difference and how their case is now before the Supreme Court. This case has major implications for each and every one of us that choose to look after our health our way and not the government’s way. ProjectCamelotPortal.com, Rumble.
Dr. Tom Cowan
Dr. Cowan challenges conventional medicine to explore health and wellness in holistic terms, seeking to provide a collaborative forum for the exchange of knowledge, products and practices that enable us to forge a new world together, governed by truth.
Dr. Bryan Ardis
Dr. Ardis is a tireless researcher, always seeking to weed out deception in health and medicine, and provide truth through his personal research and product formulations. When God created Earth and man, he got it right the first time.
Brian Stone
This channel is dedicated to the free distribution of truthful information on several simple medicines that can be made and used in the home for very low costs. These are Chlorine Dioxide (aka MMS or CDS or acidified Sodium Chlorite), Calcium Hypochlorite (aka MMS2), Dymethylsulfoxide (aka DMSO), and Browns Gas (aka Hydrogen or HHO Therapy). This stuff really works, man! Weebly.
Health and Food >>>
Naomi Faegen
Left the corporate world to build an online business through blogging, marketing, teaching and a passion for humanitarian projects. In 2014 her family designed an alternative energy generator prototype called the QEG. She traveled around the world building QEG’s. Naima and Tivon also run a successful business making and shipping EMF protection products. They are both American ex-pats that live and work together in Morocco..
Niti Bali
I am the catalyst~ working to reestablish the regenerative small family farm food system, while educating & enlisting regenerative consumers. Discontent with the labyrinthine nature of the modern food industry, she is critical of its reliance on technical jargon, unnecessary fees, fines, and the need for costly subscriptions just to earn labels like ‘organic.’
Dr. Sam Bailey
Examines how the medical industry continually invents epidemics to make billion-dollar profits at our expense and questioning the scientific evidence of mainstream health narratives. She researches and covers common medical conditions, but will also tackle controversial health issues. https://www.youtube.com/@DrSamBailey
Andreas Kalcker
Kalcker Institute is an educational platform offering specialized courses in electromolecular medicine and advanced oxidative therapies. They provide innovative live classes, video material and learning opportunities worldwide in multiple languages. They aim to revolutionize healthcare and offer unique qualifications in electromolecular medicine and integrative therapies.
Historian >>>
Independent Research >>>
I recap my daily life on my lunch break, talk about historical interests. – Private Investigator of History. https://www.youtube.com/@Mylunchbreak
Vernon Coleman
Like all qualified medical doctors who have told the truth about covid-19, Dr Vernon Coleman has been repeatedly lied about and libeled on the internet and in the mainstream media. In March 2020, after studying the covid death figures and comparing the death statistics in the UK to that of previous years, Dr Coleman said that the threat of covid-19 had been wildly exaggerated and that there was no pandemic. Rumble. Bitchute.
Red Pill University
A Video Library for the Aware. Unlike daily news, these messages will always be relevant because they reveal eternal truths. This library, like a family heirloom, is to be passed on to future generations for guidance. It is indexed for quick access by key words, names, and topics. Downloading to your private collection is encouraged. With your help, these gems can be preserved for all time.
Thomas Sowell
Uncommon Knowledge: Featuring Thomas Sowell. He writes on economics, history, social policy, ethnicity, and the history of ideas. Gathers a wide array of empirical evidence to challenge the idea that different economic outcomes can be explained by any one factor, be it discrimination, exploitation or genetics. YouTube Playlist 1, Playlist 2, Playlist 3
Independent Research >>>
Investigative Journalism >>>
Simon Whistler
From our experience, most such websites have just as many myths or misleading information presented as facts as they do actual facts. Today I Found Out‘s goal is to raise the bar on that significantly, providing a site where you know everything on it has been highly researched by amazingly well credentialed authors. https://www.todayifoundout.com/
Dana Ashlie
Welcome to the channel! 🙂 Come here to connect to critical thinking, prophecy interpretation and dot connecting large agenda truths alongside solutions. As well as videos that point to the WAY, the Truth and the Life. The truth shall set you free!
David Sorensen
This website informs humanity about the agenda for world domination. Please share it.
Jon Rappoport
Over the last 35 years, Jon’s independent research has encompassed such areas as: deep politics, conspiracies, alternative health, the potential of the human imagination, mind control, the medical cartel, symbology, and solutions to the takeover of the planet by hidden elites. https://www.youtube.com/user/jonrappoport
Law >>>
Roman Balmakov
As an independent media organization, The Epoch Times is free from the influence of any government, corporation, or political party. Our aim is not to force our perspective on you, but to give you the information you need to make up your own mind. Our motto of Truth, Tradition, Hope is our guiding light. We highlight in our reporting the best of humanity, valuable lessons from history, and traditions that benefit society. EpochTV
Joshua Phillips
Senior Investigative Reporter. As an independent media organization, The Epoch Times is free from the influence of any government, corporation, or political party. Our aim is not to force our perspective on you, but to give you the information you need to make up your own mind. Our motto of Truth, Tradition, Hope is our guiding light. We highlight in our reporting the best of humanity, valuable lessons from history, and traditions that benefit society. EpochTV
James O’Keefe
Project Veritas has been the collection of a small group of idealistic truth-telling journalists from its inception in 2010. Frustrated by the mainstream’s power to silence important voices and stories, Project Veritas chose not to complain about the media but instead decided to become the media. We are journalists exposing corruption in government, media, big tech, politics, education, and beyond through undercover video.
Nitty Gritty Law Library
“Through the courts, encouraging the government to obey the law”. There are four (4) pillars defining the Anglo-American Law System: History & Organization; People are Sovereign; Government is a Republic;
Court is a Court of Record; Corruption and More.
Political Commentary and Analysis >>>
Glenn Beck
Glenn’s wit, candor, and commanding on-air presence have earned him the loyal support of a large, enthusiastic audience, as well as top ratings on network television and talk radio. He is a leading voice for conservatism and is a staunch defender of the Constitution, individual liberties, and free markets. https://www.youtube.com/@glennbeck
Lee Camp
I’m one of the most censored comedians in America. I was the host and head writer of the TV show “Redacted Tonight” for 8 years until it was shut down by US sanctions. Then all of the past episodes were banned by YouTube around the world. Next my podcast was deleted by Spotify. My other channels are shadow-banned and suppressed — All because I’m anti-war and anti-imperialist. Rumble.
State of the Nation
SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary. Revealing the True State of the Nation.
Clay Clark
Organizer of ReAwaken America Tour. Join millions of truth-seekers and receive exclusive uncensored facts about the 2020/2021 COVID-19 chaos and the Great Reset.
Political Commentary and Analysis
Sean G. Turnbull
REAL News 24/7, The Antidote to Corporate Propaganda and Mainstream Media Lies. https://www.sgtreport.com/
JP Sears
I’m a comedian and freedom fighter. Free Speech and Fun are what I stand for. https://www.youtube.com/@AwakenWithJP